A Recap of The August Break 2024

I decided to work on my wellbeing this month by getting back in touch with my creative side. One of the many ways I did this was by participating in a photo-a-day challenge called The August Break, organised by Susannah Conway).

In this short recap post, I will share the prompts for the challenge below, plus a few of my favourite pictures and a link to my public Tana page showing all the photos I took as part of this challenge. You can also see my pictures on Instagram: @heymartineellis.

As you can tell from my photos, I had a glorious time taking part in this challenge and truly felt those wellbeing benefits.


A Few Highlights

All The Pictures

Here’s a screenshot of my Tana page showing the start of my photo journey; click the yellow button below to see them all.

💌 Before you go...

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