Calm Your Nervous System With Box Breathing
Box Breathing is a simple but powerful way to calm your nervous system and reduce stress levels.
Delete, Delegate, Defer, Do
Delete, Delegate, Defer, Do is a classic task management framework that is especially useful for tackling your inbox.
Task Management Funnel
I use Todoist daily—it’s a brilliant tool for managing tasks and projects. But even the best tools need a system behind them to support your best work.
Sustainable Productivity Starts with Systems, Not Tools
I’m embarrassed to admit the number of productivity apps and tools I’ve tried over the years, convinced the next one would solve all my organisational problems…
Thermostat or Thermometer?
I read an interesting article recently (link in comments) about how we can be thermostats or thermometers in group settings.
What is a Shutdown Ritual, and Why is it Helpful?
The time between finishing work and starting non-work activities or rest is more important than we think.
The Iron Triangle
The Iron Triangle is commonly used in project management. Each project has three key constraints: scope, time, and resources. You cannot change one without it affecting the other two.
Will You Notice Any Glimmers Today?
A glimmer is a tiny moment of happiness or appreciation—something that makes you pause, even for a second, and feel good.
Wealth = Have ÷ Want
Lately, I’ve been thinking about wealth—not how to earn more, but how to feel wealthier.
You Get to Choose How You Show Up: Sunshine or Storm Cloud
I was listening to Simon Sinek's podcast (a favourite) earlier this week; he was interviewing Mel Robbins, and she said something that stuck with me.
Languishing (And How To Go From “Meh” to Meaningful)
Not burned out. Not thriving. Just… meh.
Sound familiar?
The Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro Technique is one of my favourite methods for staying focused and productive.
This is how to do it:
The Serenity Prayer
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
On the Importance of Fuel
Last week, I posted a doodle of the phrase, "Be a Radiator, Not a Drain", which people seem to like.
I've been thinking about that post.
Are You Stuck in the Cycle of Pseudo-Productivity?
One of my favourite lessons from Cal Newport’s book Slow Productivity is the concept of pseudo-productivity. He defines it as “the use of visible activity as the primary means of approximating actual productive effort.”
From Distraction to Action
Recently, I came across this clever wordplay and decided to doodle my own version. I don’t know who first came up with it (if you do, let me know), but it got me thinking: distractions are everywhere, but action is a choice we can actively make.