A New, Sustainable Approach to Inbox Zero

My email inbox makes me anxious.

I manage this anxiety and have done so for years by practising Inbox Zero... or at least a version of Inbox Zero.

While I still firmly believe in the (original) principles of Inbox Zero—which I will expand upon in a moment—now I think there is a better, more sustainable way to manage your emails and reduce email anxiety.

The Problem with Inbox Zero

Merlin Mann developed the original concept of Inbox Zero and has always described it as a process for managing emails.

Unfortunately, the concept of Inbox Zero was interpreted too literally. Many understood Inbox Zero to mean that you should not have emails in your inbox at the end of the day—you had to empty it daily. While I started similarly, I quickly realised approaching emails this way was flawed.

If you insist that you need to get to Inbox Zero every single day—in all of your inboxes—the sheer workload involved and the constant failure can induce anxiety.

Remember when I said that I practised Inbox Zero to reduce email anxiety? See the issue?

When you think about the volume of emails you receive and the number of inboxes you actually have (email, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and other social media), it's no wonder we feel we are failing at Inbox Zero.

Solid Inbox Zero Concepts

Some aspects of Merlin Mann's original Inbox Zero process feature in my approach. For example, I:

  1. Have a straightforward process for managing emails.

  2. Do not use my inbox as a task manager; emails requiring action are transferred to a task manager (my one point of truth) unless they can be dealt with in under two minutes, in which case, I ....

  3. Apply the two-minute rule: If I can respond to an email in under two minutes, I do so immediately.

  4. (Try to) close my email program when I am not using it—I schedule a time to deal with emails.

Furthermore, I treat my inbox as a temporary repository, so I delete and unsubscribe vigorously!


Inbox Zero Weekly

If I don't empty my emails at the end of the day, that's OK.

It's OK because I have an established weekly review process that includes clearing my email inbox at the end of the week.

My weekly review process only covers my work and personal emails, as they are the inboxes that make me anxious. I don't worry about the others. Work emails are cleared on a Friday and personal emails are cleared on a Sunday.

My weekly review also includes other practices to prepare for the coming week.

Make it a Ritual

I read an article on Ness Labs that explained the difference between routines and rituals. The author, Anne-Laure Le Cunff, explains:

“While routines can be actions that just need to be done—such as making your bed or taking a shower—rituals are viewed as more meaningful practices which have a real sense of purpose.”

My weekly review is now a ritual—a way to prepare for the week ahead. I don't just clear my emails; I reflect on the week and plan the coming week—I set intentions. It is a meaningful practice that, without a doubt, contributes to both my productivity and my wellbeing.

💌 Before you go...

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    Nine Simple Ways to Reduce Email Anxiety