How to Develop a Wellbeing-First Mindset and Why it is Essential

The Problem

Think briefly about times when you have sacrificed your wellbeing for others.

Perhaps you said yes to a social engagement even though you were exhausted. Or you might have taken on another work project while already working at full capacity and ended up working evenings and weekends. 

Sacrificing your wellbeing for others usually feels like a good idea at the time. And sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to – life is complicated.

Unfortunately, the cumulative effect of constantly neglecting your wellbeing to serve others is usually burnout.

There’s some irony here because being burnt out leaves you unable to help anyone.

What is a Wellbeing-First Mindset?

If you adopt a wellbeing-first mindset – in other words, you put yourself first and prioritise your wellbeing – you will be better able to help others. Furthermore, you’ll be happier and more productive. 

Some actions that demonstrate a wellbeing-first mindset are:

  • Saying no to a weeknight work social event and having an early night because you are going away at the weekend, and you want to prioritise that.

  • Not volunteering for every extra-curricular project as you are already working at capacity.

  • Monitoring your energy levels throughout the day and adjusting your eating and breaks to feel well and be productive.

How Can You Develop a Wellbeing-First Mindset?

Interestingly, many approaches to prioritising wellbeing involve saying no when you'd usually say yes; you must learn to say no.

Understanding the type of activities that deplete and restore your energy is helpful. Think about these activities as credits and debits on your energy bank account, known as energy accounting. The aim is to try to achieve balance.

Similarly, think about what the concept of self-care means to you. Is it going for a walk with the dog? Is it taking a bath and listening to music? Is it knitting or embroidery or going for a run? If you cannot label these activities, self-care becomes difficult.

Find your version of self-care and schedule it. Often.

Take Action

The essence of a wellbeing-first mindset is a shift in your thinking – that doesn't happen overnight. You have to practice. Find ways to remind yourself to put your wellbeing needs first. For example, leave sticky notes around the house, schedule a weekly check-in with an energy-restoring friend, or use a habit tracker app.

Putting your needs first feels selfish, but we need to reframe that.

Self-care is not selfish.

When you prioritise your wellbeing, everybody wins.

💌 Before you go...

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