Microbreaks Reboot Your Brain
Like a computer, your brain needs regular reboots to function at its best—though much more often than any laptop.
Sustainable Productivity Starts with Systems, Not Tools
I’m embarrassed to admit the number of productivity apps and tools I’ve tried over the years, convinced the next one would solve all my organisational problems…
The Iron Triangle
The Iron Triangle is commonly used in project management. Each project has three key constraints: scope, time, and resources. You cannot change one without it affecting the other two.
The Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro Technique is one of my favourite methods for staying focused and productive.
This is how to do it:
Are You Stuck in the Cycle of Pseudo-Productivity?
One of my favourite lessons from Cal Newport’s book Slow Productivity is the concept of pseudo-productivity. He defines it as “the use of visible activity as the primary means of approximating actual productive effort.”
From Distraction to Action
Recently, I came across this clever wordplay and decided to doodle my own version. I don’t know who first came up with it (if you do, let me know), but it got me thinking: distractions are everywhere, but action is a choice we can actively make.
Maker Versus Manager Schedule
Here's something interesting I read about recently: the difference between manager and maker schedules.
Could Sending Better Emails Reduce Stress and Improve Productivity?
What if sending better emails could reduce stress and improve productivity? I believe it can, and in this article, I’ll explain why—and how you can start sending better emails today.
Do Less, Get More Done: Boost Productivity and Wellbeing by Doing Fewer Things at Once
We all know what it’s like to juggle multiple projects at once. It’s become a common part of modern work life. But have you ever wondered if this constant multitasking is holding you back?
Boost Your Productivity and Wellbeing With a Simple Start-Up and Shut-Down Routine
Establishing a simple start-up and shut-down routine is one of the most straightforward and least time-consuming habits you can adopt to boost your productivity and wellbeing.
How to Understand Your Personal Energy Levels and Why it is Important (Especially if You Are Neurodivergent)
Being neurodivergent in a world designed for neurotypicals is exhausting. It's not surprising neurodivergent people are prime candidates for burnout.
The Importance of Keeping Your Workload Visible: One Point of Truth for Tasks
Acknowledging you have “a lot on your plate” isn’t fun; what makes it worse is that you probably haven’t accounted for all the tasks and projects you’re juggling.
Struggling to Manage Your To-Do List? This Tiny Change Will Get You On Top of Your Workload Once and for All
How come deadlines still seem to take you by surprise, and you end up rushing to complete things on time?
Exploring the Role of Multi-Scale Planning in Wellbeing-Driven Productivity
When underpinned by a wellbeing-first mindset, strategic multi-scale planning can help you thrive personally and professionally – let's explore how.
One Common Mistake You're Making With Your Morning and Evening Routines and How to Avoid It
Internet Wisdom suggests that morning and evening routines solve all productivity problems. It makes sense. But…
What Would Happen if Taking Breaks Was Your Top Priority?
The benefits of taking regular breaks throughout your day are well documented. And yet, we struggle to take them.
Wellbeing-Driven Productivity Through the Lens of Neurodiversity
This article shares some of my reflections about wellbeing-driven productivity through the lens of neurodiversity.
The Weekly Review: Why it’s Essential for Wellbeing-Driven Productivity and How to do it Consistently
This post will explain what a weekly review is, why you need to do it, and how to do it consistently. I will also share a free template.