Work Versus Work About Work

Is your calendar full of work—or work about work?

Before your week gets away from you, look at your schedule. How much time is dedicated to deep, focused work on meaningful projects? And how much is filled with meetings, calls, and planning sessions?

According to Asana’s Anatomy of Work Index, 60% of a person’s time at work is spent on work about work—not on skilled work.

Some work about work is necessary—you need to coordinate, plan, and align with others. However, too much can disrupt your flow and prevent you from making real progress.

To stay focused:

  • Block deep work sessions before your calendar fills up.

  • Question every meeting: Could this be an email?

  • Push back on “quick calls” that break your momentum.

  • Say no (or not now) to new projects—each one comes with extra admin and meetings.

As Cal Newport says, every additional project creates administrative overhead. It means more work about work, more distractions, and less time for real progress.

This week, be intentional, protect your focus, and don’t let work about work steal your time.

How do you manage this balance?

💌 Before you go...

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